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This website is making up! Hold on.
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Oups! Welcome on board, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Spot the 5 keys to Self-Awareness in my first book “Amazon Warrior” launch 11/11.


Transformation 2020-2021

How can a Wounded Warrior become a Wounded Healer?

*** Warning ** Since 2018, my Mission has changed. At first, I was here to share my PTSD story and now, after sailing along the Coast, and living on a boat alone, I feel ready to step to next level with you and others professional Sailors. As indie author on Amazon, and natural born creative, my new Mission PTSD Beautiful Trauma 2.0 will be creating a network in the Resilience Community and connecting people who need mentoring, coaching and guidance, with groups and individual providers of those services. Word to mouth works very well. My role here is pure catalyst. I wish to help people like me transforming them-selves in beautiful butterflies. What’s most… it’s free. A nice way to support me would be purchasing my self-help books or you find a tip jar in the sidebar, thanks;). Really, Leds, I appreciate your collaboration and motivation, too. This goal is aimed not only for veterans or first-responders transition (homecoming or medically retired), but they might play a big role in the hunger games. Are you with me?

Mission is about people, not projects. Todd Engstrom, 2013

Some storytelling.

Paris is where it all began. In the aftermath of major trauma, in 2015, due to terror attacks, pen name “Diana” turned to War Veterans, looking for empathy and protection. The author has been seeking not only to improve her skills and understanding on PTSD, but also to think out of the box by putting civilians and War Veterans on the same level. Avoiding comparison she claims same self-awareness and mental health support which is by now mainly discharged by Army to Charities or disowned. The fight against stigma became her just war. Art and creativity are nocebo, a positive attitude and daily discipline of yoga and mindfulness helped her out in her track to wounded healing. Will she conquer it all?


Topics: burnout, PTSD, CPTSD, trauma, mental health, break down, addictions, new perspective, break the stigma, loosing job, retraining, transition stress, demons within, transformation, personal growth, change, self-confidence, ego death, shame, guilt, homecoming, belonging, daimon, spiritual awakening, amor fati, Joseph Campbell, Jung for dummies, Carol Pearsons, hero’s journey, initiation, rites of passage, terror attacks survival, shooting, fake alerts, archetypical psychology, new psychiatry, awareness, Steve Peters, Christophe André, John Kabat Zinn, Thich Nath Hahn, fear, death fear, anger outburst, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, self-care, self-love, self-worth, higher-self !!!, faith, hope, Eastern philosophies, mystic, mandala drawing, Native American wisdom, mentoring, education, mindfulness, meditation and mind management.

In Michael Sugrue‘s words:

There was an emergency right before Covid-19 with people struggling in silence and now the epidemic encreased the isolation: the helpers need our help. Too many lives are taken.

You can contact Diana b/o: for collaborations as self-help writer and author. Please, no SEO spam. People will find me somehow lol

with collaboration of

A Retired British COMBAT PILOT and POET in Residence for Military Academy Performing Arts, Karl Tearney.

Exclusive Interviews with AIRFORCE VETERANS and Success Stories, like Dan Nevins.

Congratulations. You found a boat. In the middle of the ocean, of all places.

….the good in life. And in Yourself.

afghanistan anger anxiety awareness belonging break down burn out combat stress coping with ptsd dark night of the soul depression emotional empath empathy fear highly sensitive person homecoming hsp meditation mental health mental illness mindfulness paris attacks post traumatic stress disorders psychological ptsd PTSD AWARENESS ptsd recovery PTSD STORYTELLING resilience sebastian junger self care self discovery self love self worth shell shock social anxiety spiritual awakening stress disorders trauma tribe veterans vets war vets yoga

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