I was a first responder at the Pentagon on 9/11.
“I grew up on eastern Long Island and watched a lot of CHIPS so I knew I wanted to be a pilot or cop. Once… Leggi tutto »I was a first responder at the Pentagon on 9/11.
“I grew up on eastern Long Island and watched a lot of CHIPS so I knew I wanted to be a pilot or cop. Once… Leggi tutto »I was a first responder at the Pentagon on 9/11.
And don’t ever be afraid to tell your story. Don’t ever feel it is too small, too insignificant, too humble. Don’t ever feel your voice… Leggi tutto »PTSD Poetry Books: The Unravelled Heart by Kathy Parker.
Thіѕ is Pоѕt-Trаumаtіс Strеѕѕ Disorder, оr PTSD. And thіѕ іѕ my life. I can’t tell you еxасtlу whеn I bеgаn tо realize I ѕuffеr frоm PTSD.… Leggi tutto »Powerful Confessions of People Living with PTSD: Kathy Parker.
Basil, I am planting basil on my mini balcon. And I just found this article about empathy, and resilience, and the real revolution we are witnessing.… Leggi tutto »Trauma Survivors.
The PTSD Beautiful Trauma Project was born in France, in 2018, after 3 years from terrorist attacks to the “Charlie Hebdo Magazine” Board Office. Despite not… Leggi tutto »The PTSD Beautiful Trauma Project.
Tonight, I found this wonderful project by US Army Veteran, Jeffrey Sargent, Warriors at Ease, which promotes yoga and meditation as tools to recover from… Leggi tutto »Yoga warriors.