Do you like the color of your eyes enough?
Well, I was watching these cutie girls having fun and changing their eye color; I have been always tempted to put some in the bright… Leggi tutto »Do you like the color of your eyes enough?
Well, I was watching these cutie girls having fun and changing their eye color; I have been always tempted to put some in the bright… Leggi tutto »Do you like the color of your eyes enough?
Today, on my Facebook, a quote comes out from past year. It is a poem on “rising phoenix”, as following: The phoenix from the flame… Leggi tutto »The Phoenix Rises!
The hero’s journey is first about taking a journey to find the treasure of your true Self. Some people, we say, have soul. They have… Leggi tutto »The Warrior archetype.
Do you believe in signs? Do you catch any thoughtful insights from quite irrelevant happenings in your daily life? Psychologist Jung called it “sinchronicity”. When it… Leggi tutto »Balance, and black power.
To be honest with you, I let my brother kick my ass all my childhood. Also, my father kind of humiliated me, because as a… Leggi tutto »Fight the good fight, as a bad asshole.
As you set out for Ithaca hope that your journey is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery. Laistrygonians and Cyclops, angry Poseidon… Leggi tutto »What your Ithaca means?