Self Care give away: how to dye you gray hair with Henna.
This is a Xmas Miracle on the boulevard. I have been dying my hair all my life from 14. And now when I look back… Leggi tutto »Self Care give away: how to dye you gray hair with Henna.
This is a Xmas Miracle on the boulevard. I have been dying my hair all my life from 14. And now when I look back… Leggi tutto »Self Care give away: how to dye you gray hair with Henna.
Hi Crew. ** It’s reunion time here.** Did you have a good year? or did you feel abandoned? This come back sounds pretty good to… Leggi tutto »Back for good.
Hi dear, I just went through your blog article about bullying and I feel like I want to say something. Bullying in the 80s, in… Leggi tutto »Bullying and Mental Health — The Bipolar Writer
Hi. I’m posting this video while I am working to a three steps guide for trauma survivors. I promise that I will do my best… Leggi tutto »Self Actualization.