Warrior Quest Veterans Weekend Retreat in January.
I Don’t like 22 club and I Don’t like to refer to statistiques. I Don’t like posting about PTSD all the time despite this is… Leggi tutto »Warrior Quest Veterans Weekend Retreat in January.
I Don’t like 22 club and I Don’t like to refer to statistiques. I Don’t like posting about PTSD all the time despite this is… Leggi tutto »Warrior Quest Veterans Weekend Retreat in January.
This is a Xmas Miracle on the boulevard. I have been dying my hair all my life from 14. And now when I look back… Leggi tutto »Self Care give away: how to dye you gray hair with Henna.
Me too, I have been in and out Facebook, and MySpace, when it was the time for going social. People see you leaving and back,… Leggi tutto »Social Media vs Self Care. Good match!
This is your artist’s day, choose whenever you feel like, but give you a date for doing some art. One of the books I might… Leggi tutto »Artist’s Day. Using Creativity to push mute button on your worries.
As you set out for Ithaca hope that your journey is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery. Laistrygonians and Cyclops, angry Poseidon… Leggi tutto »What your Ithaca means?
First Paris attack came in january 2015. The whole week, unhappily, I’ve been watching videos on the web. Every day we got striking news about… Leggi tutto »Charlie, who?
Today I was reading this blog page, talking about suicidal survivor, and I found my self wondering what kept me safe from going down, in… Leggi tutto »Self love and yoga.
Before I discovered meditation, my daily routine was jumping out of bed, at last minute, rushing for having my breakfast, and getting ready for going… Leggi tutto »Mindfulness, start small.