Warrior Quest Veterans Weekend Retreat in January.
I Don’t like 22 club and I Don’t like to refer to statistiques. I Don’t like posting about PTSD all the time despite this is… Leggi tutto »Warrior Quest Veterans Weekend Retreat in January.
I Don’t like 22 club and I Don’t like to refer to statistiques. I Don’t like posting about PTSD all the time despite this is… Leggi tutto »Warrior Quest Veterans Weekend Retreat in January.
Like many veterans throughout our country’s history, I needed mental medical attention but did not seek help BY: SAMANTHA NEROVE, POSTED ON MAY 28, 2017 A soldier crochets… Leggi tutto »Combat Crochet and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Yarn over…
The part that is envious, cold hearted and devious Greedy, mischievous, global, colonial Bloodthirsty, blind, mindless and cheap Focused on borders and slaughter and sheep… Leggi tutto »Part of me died Feat. Roger Waters.
Well, I have just put a structure on the main menu with this grid of “Self Discovery” step – by – step guide which I… Leggi tutto »PTSD is when your Soul calls for your Higher Self and is telling you “You are more than that “.
If to enjoy even an enjoyable present we must have the assurance of a happy future, we are “crying for the moon.” We have no… Leggi tutto »Shadow: accept your Own Dark Side. Feat. Alan Watts celebrating Jung.
Me too, I have been in and out Facebook, and MySpace, when it was the time for going social. People see you leaving and back,… Leggi tutto »Social Media vs Self Care. Good match!
The hero’s journey is first about taking a journey to find the treasure of your true Self. Some people, we say, have soul. They have… Leggi tutto »The Warrior archetype.
When I started this blog and did my research on the topic, I believed that I I would talk about different kinds of traumas, except… Leggi tutto »Sexuality and bullying at 16. We shall protect our teens.