Remaster your Mind – British Army Veteran Gareth Evans.
Hi Tribe 🙂 I hope you are all doing well. Me, I have been quite busy. And I like it. First, my new job… Leggi tutto »Remaster your Mind – British Army Veteran Gareth Evans.
Hi Tribe 🙂 I hope you are all doing well. Me, I have been quite busy. And I like it. First, my new job… Leggi tutto »Remaster your Mind – British Army Veteran Gareth Evans.
Yeah, such a good way to start on a Monday :-p Despite what we might think, it concerns not only health care or the first-responders,… Leggi tutto »The Emotional impact of COVID-19: it’s Pandemic!
Parisian Sparks of Inspiration. It goes without saying, during my Journey, the assistance of Firefighters has been effective several times: anxiety, panic attacks and terror… Leggi tutto »BOOKS
20 novembre 2015 · from my facebook : Repeat to yourself, “This will not last forever.” And remember that you’re the only one that can truly get… Leggi tutto »Federica Pellegrini: “Fight for your Self.”