Remaster your Mind – British Army Veteran Gareth Evans.
Hi Tribe 🙂 I hope you are all doing well. Me, I have been quite busy. And I like it. First, my new job… Leggi tutto »Remaster your Mind – British Army Veteran Gareth Evans.
Hi Tribe 🙂 I hope you are all doing well. Me, I have been quite busy. And I like it. First, my new job… Leggi tutto »Remaster your Mind – British Army Veteran Gareth Evans.
Yeah, such a good way to start on a Monday :-p Despite what we might think, it concerns not only health care or the first-responders,… Leggi tutto »The Emotional impact of COVID-19: it’s Pandemic!
So, what does this mean to be a Heyoka Empath? An Empath is a person who has the conscious frequency to understand the emotional state… Leggi tutto »The Medicine of Chaos: the Fool (or the Sacred Heyoka Empath). Oh, you will read alot on Sinead O’Connor, on Wikipedia, and on gossipy newspapers. I will skip the religious buzz. I have been a… Leggi tutto »Diana Speaks Podcast: Diana Reads… My Name is Sinead O’Connor.
I know, I admit I have been young, wild and free.. it was a long time ago 😉 This last hour’s made my day.… Leggi tutto »Sam Springsteen is Now a firefighter.
Stories are how we think and how we make meaning of our lives. What happens when the only story you tell yourself is the one… Leggi tutto »The power of Storytelling.
Hi Folks, did I say Happy New Year? Today I got this mail from Katie Holmes, uh, nope, not “that” Katie Holmes 🙂 She… Leggi tutto »The Benefits of Meditation – 47 reasons.
Power of Story : “First Responders: Coffee and Conversation” Facilitated by: U.S. Air Force Veteran and Retired Chief of Police Dave Weiner and Sara Correll. Special… Leggi tutto »Power of Story: Michael Sugrue Police + Air Force Veteran.
The letter of a penfriend, written in one of most severe Californian prisons, who has been arrested in 2000s for allegations, as sex offender. … Leggi tutto »Diana Speaks about Sex Offenders #7 – New Podcast is out!