Back for good.
Hi Crew. ** It’s reunion time here.** Did you have a good year? or did you feel abandoned? This come back sounds pretty good to… Leggi tutto »Back for good.
Hi Crew. ** It’s reunion time here.** Did you have a good year? or did you feel abandoned? This come back sounds pretty good to… Leggi tutto »Back for good.
Yesterday, it was my birthday, and while in southern France we lost another Iraq vet, Arnaud Beltrame, in a sort of pointless attack to a… Leggi tutto »Message to Veterans from Dan Nevins.
If you agree, we – as human beings – were born to be a whole, balanced, and strongindividuals. Greek philosophers, and physicians, say that the natural state of things is calm and, sophrology – the… Leggi tutto »What’s PTSD?
Brendan Obyrne speaks out about his alcohol addiction, and what really helps healing back from combat. Talking to other veterans, or alcoholics, more than VA… Leggi tutto »Understanding is the key to trauma healing.
Greek Mythology never end to amaze me. Not only because it’s psychology in disguise, but further more because it’s so modern, that you could use… Leggi tutto »Soldier’s woundwort, if Achille suffered from PTSD, anyone can do.