Sensitive – The Untold Story with Alanis Morissette.
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Dear Elaine, Thank you for your newsletter’s upcoming event news and première of your first movie based on your best seller which helped me accepting… Leggi tutto »Sensitive and in Love – the Film
STORY: What do you do when you feel you are born with an unbearable flaw, and you don’t know yet that you share it with… Leggi tutto »Sensitive and in love. The movie by Elaine Aron.
Hey Individuator, I just had this feeling to reblog your post, and thank you for sharing your experience about being “empathic”. I am having a… Leggi tutto »What about a pill against Empathy?
First time, I’ve heard of HSP, it was thank’s to my inmate penpal who was and still is struggling with depression, and following a psychoterapy… Leggi tutto »HSP retreat for therapists in California. You can register here.
The PTSD Beautiful Trauma Project was born in France, in 2018, after 3 years from terrorist attacks to the “Charlie Hebdo Magazine” Board Office. Despite not… Leggi tutto »The PTSD Beautiful Trauma Project.
Just got back from work, and took the time to read your story, James. Thank you for not putting details and keep that distance, that… Leggi tutto »PTSD brothers in arms: James Maskey, fit trainer, and police man.
“There’s a lot of stress out there, and to handle it, you just need to believe in yourself; always go back to the person that… Leggi tutto »Stress as Self Defense. Burn out vs Stroke.