Veteran’s Private Ayahuasca Ceremony 2-28-21 at Soul Quest, FL.
The lad that quits first. In the first ten minutes you see the recruits arriving at the school, they do the first briefing, before engaging… Leggi tutto »The Reality of Life for a Commando.
Parisian Sparks of Inspiration. It goes without saying, during my Journey, the assistance of Firefighters has been effective several times: anxiety, panic attacks and terror… Leggi tutto »BOOKS
PTSD Beautiful Trauma It was september 2015, I finally got my sick leave after a long stressful time and, not by chance, I went to… Leggi tutto »Self Publishing. First book: check!
The hero’s journey is first about taking a journey to find the treasure of your true Self. Some people, we say, have soul. They have… Leggi tutto »The Warrior archetype.
Bonjour ! Here I am. The first time I’ve heard about PTSD I would never consider – me – being involved, once in a lifetime.… Leggi tutto »Canary and miners.