Back for good.
Hi Crew. ** It’s reunion time here.** Did you have a good year? or did you feel abandoned? This come back sounds pretty good to… Leggi tutto »Back for good.
Hi Crew. ** It’s reunion time here.** Did you have a good year? or did you feel abandoned? This come back sounds pretty good to… Leggi tutto »Back for good.
Hi. I’m posting this video while I am working to a three steps guide for trauma survivors. I promise that I will do my best… Leggi tutto »Self Actualization.
Today I was reading this blog page, talking about suicidal survivor, and I found my self wondering what kept me safe from going down, in… Leggi tutto »Self love and yoga.
When I read about PTSD before going through my personal journey, I thought that PTSD were reserved only to war veterans or raped, child abused… Leggi tutto »Suicidal ? Why hurry up.
Before I discovered meditation, my daily routine was jumping out of bed, at last minute, rushing for having my breakfast, and getting ready for going… Leggi tutto »Mindfulness, start small.
When I was diagnosed « burnt out » by my doctor, september 2015, I used sleeping 3-4 hours per night, five days a week. In my weekend… Leggi tutto »Burn out. Paragraph.
At the time of Paris attacks, january and november 2015, I was already struggling with chronic stress due to toxic work and lifestyle. Anger and… Leggi tutto »No more excuses.