Jacob and Highly Sensitive People.
Storytime: I was in Paris, entering the Saint Sulpice. This cathedral is renowned thanks to Da Vinci Code. It’s quite esotheric. Last time I entered… Leggi tutto »Jacob and Highly Sensitive People.
Storytime: I was in Paris, entering the Saint Sulpice. This cathedral is renowned thanks to Da Vinci Code. It’s quite esotheric. Last time I entered… Leggi tutto »Jacob and Highly Sensitive People.
The lad that quits first. In the first ten minutes you see the recruits arriving at the school, they do the first briefing, before engaging… Leggi tutto »The Reality of Life for a Commando.
Bonjour les Divers, Here you get one step further your Self Discovery ; have heard of Empathy? Did you know it is a Super Power?… Leggi tutto »Are you an Empath?
STORY: What do you do when you feel you are born with an unbearable flaw, and you don’t know yet that you share it with… Leggi tutto »Sensitive and in love. The movie by Elaine Aron.
Hey Individuator, I just had this feeling to reblog your post, and thank you for sharing your experience about being “empathic”. I am having a… Leggi tutto »What about a pill against Empathy?
Basil, I am planting basil on my mini balcon. And I just found this article about empathy, and resilience, and the real revolution we are witnessing.… Leggi tutto »Trauma Survivors.
The Army’s Criminal Investigation Division posts a long-overdue article at army.mil about the scams we see almost daily at TAHHQs in regards to people pretending to be… Leggi tutto »CID warns about social network Scams.
The PTSD Beautiful Trauma Project was born in France, in 2018, after 3 years from terrorist attacks to the “Charlie Hebdo Magazine” Board Office. Despite not… Leggi tutto »The PTSD Beautiful Trauma Project.