Jacob and Highly Sensitive People.
Storytime: I was in Paris, entering the Saint Sulpice. This cathedral is renowned thanks to Da Vinci Code. It’s quite esotheric. Last time I entered… Leggi tutto »Jacob and Highly Sensitive People.
Storytime: I was in Paris, entering the Saint Sulpice. This cathedral is renowned thanks to Da Vinci Code. It’s quite esotheric. Last time I entered… Leggi tutto »Jacob and Highly Sensitive People.
So, what does this mean to be a Heyoka Empath? An Empath is a person who has the conscious frequency to understand the emotional state… Leggi tutto »The Medicine of Chaos: the Fool (or the Sacred Heyoka Empath).
“There’s a lot of stress out there, and to handle it, you just need to believe in yourself; always go back to the person that… Leggi tutto »Stress as Self Defense. Burn out vs Stroke.
When you overreact to events, like crying before other people, and can’t avoid sadness overwhelm you after catching up with media news, then you are… Leggi tutto »HSP, are you?
First Paris attack came in january 2015. The whole week, unhappily, I’ve been watching videos on the web. Every day we got striking news about… Leggi tutto »Charlie, who?
Today I was reading this blog page, talking about suicidal survivor, and I found my self wondering what kept me safe from going down, in… Leggi tutto »Self love and yoga.
Since 2015, all in my life went wrong, and so, I had to decide what was really worth going on and what was time to… Leggi tutto »Be grateful.
Bonjour ! Here I am. The first time I’ve heard about PTSD I would never consider – me – being involved, once in a lifetime.… Leggi tutto »Canary and miners.