Book Trailer #3 PTSD, a true story.
What if you could change your story, and would become the undefeatable hero (or heroine) that you dream of in your ordinary world? Not the… Leggi tutto »Book Trailer #3 PTSD, a true story.
What if you could change your story, and would become the undefeatable hero (or heroine) that you dream of in your ordinary world? Not the… Leggi tutto »Book Trailer #3 PTSD, a true story.
Stories are how we think and how we make meaning of our lives. What happens when the only story you tell yourself is the one… Leggi tutto »The power of Storytelling.
In the autumn of 1970 I had a job singing in the school system, playing my guitar in classrooms,” he says. “I was sitting… Leggi tutto »Don McLean about Vincent: “I had to argue he wasn’t crazy.” Mental Health Awareness Month.
Amazing speech. Terrific message, well, reality is scary. Let’s understand what’s wrong with the new generation. And let’s help them (us) finding more balance.
If you agree, we – as human beings – were born to be a whole, balanced, and strongindividuals. Greek philosophers, and physicians, say that the natural state of things is calm and, sophrology – the… Leggi tutto »What’s PTSD?
Brendan Obyrne speaks out about his alcohol addiction, and what really helps healing back from combat. Talking to other veterans, or alcoholics, more than VA… Leggi tutto »Understanding is the key to trauma healing.
“There’s a lot of stress out there, and to handle it, you just need to believe in yourself; always go back to the person that… Leggi tutto »Stress as Self Defense. Burn out vs Stroke.
Bonjour ! Here I am. The first time I’ve heard about PTSD I would never consider – me – being involved, once in a lifetime.… Leggi tutto »Canary and miners.