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creative mind – nick lorenz

nick is a retired first responder, today founder of mental healing adventures, from arizona.

I joined social media for one purpose: to find courage to share difficult moments in life….Mental health issues and being vulnerable. Talk and share in a positive, inspiring and in relatable ways.


Does anyone else journal? I love journaling and I have discovered I really enjoy writing. To express in words and sometimes not through words your thoughts, your philosophy, your ideas and more is so so good for an active brain like mine. It’s a change for many to put down Netflix, the phone, or the other countless distractions we have today. Journaling is like meditating or prayer. It doesn’t have to be long and it should not be looked at as “work”. It’s just fun and it comes with bonus things for each unique person. Today we all want to talk, share, express our IDEOLOGIES, yell and just be heard. This is all of us in some capacity. Take your thoughts to a piece of paper, notebook, computer or any other electronic device and put some thoughts to words. It’s purging, refreshing, reflective, makes you think about your own thoughts more deeply. If your improving your life or trying to get your shit back together i highly recommend journaling. #journal#journaling#selfexpression#selfawareness#mindset#writing#poetry#mental#mentalhealth#mentalillness#depression#ptsd#suicide#OC

scary times, suicide pandemic

When I was home recovering and hoping to heal and get better as to resume life again one thing remained consistent. I continued to hear about the suicides within the fire services, public safety in general and the military. One of the scariest trends is TEEN SUICIDE. This is real life changing stuff folks. It’s depressing and not fun to discuss and support but it’s absolutely necessary to bond, heal and support each other. What can we do to help? Start with talking to yourself and checking in. Chances are you are busy, preoccupied and already under a little stress. Take the time to ensure you’re feeling good or at least aware of yourself good or bad. Be in touch with that. Everyone knows someone who is struggling or maybe the friend who is always too happy or bubbly in their persona. Often times it’s the least likely person you know to take their own life. Talk, share, don’t be afraid to ask someone “if their doing ok?” Let people know you sincerely care by serving others. Just stop and get out of your own head for an hour and connect with someone today, this week and this month. You don’t have to get crazy involved or do down difficult paths with others but you can tell someone you love them, you understand and just validate with the person sharing with you. People who are struggling to suicidal do not want YOU to solve their problems they just want to be heard and understood and most importantly, felt by someone.#suicideprevention #suicide #mental #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness #ptsd #depressionawareness #bipolar #counseling #therapy #mindfulness #selfawareness #selflove #selfcare #innerpeace #warrior #neverstop #strength #powerful

afghanistan anger anxiety awareness belonging break down burn out combat stress coping with ptsd dark night of the soul depression emotional empath empathy fear highly sensitive person homecoming hsp meditation mental health mental illness mindfulness paris attacks post traumatic stress disorders psychological ptsd PTSD AWARENESS ptsd recovery PTSD STORYTELLING resilience sebastian junger self care self discovery self love self worth shell shock social anxiety spiritual awakening stress disorders trauma tribe veterans vets war vets yoga

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