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Home » What is Psychosynthesys? With Melli Mel.

What is Psychosynthesys? With Melli Mel.


Psychodynamics or psychosynthesys?

Can you tell me which difference? I can’t. I wait for a book to know more about Psychocybernetics and my friend – the one who is actually drinking ayahuasca with Shipibo Tribe – gave this interview here.

When pandemic started, I didn’t take her seriously.

She started this class on line, and I can’t learn on line except with You Tube, so all my training are lost. I have a keen for ecommerce thou. Maybe I have a short memory with theorical concepts and better improvement with practice. I am learning new skills and I can match them with my blooming creativity.

Each of us have multiple skills and talents, gift to share with humanity.

Embrace yours.

Enjoy this interview and let’s hope Melli comes back soon from the jungle to share her insights.

Enjoy your day!!

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