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Not Another Mental Health Awareness Day? Yes, Ma’am.

I usually wait after midnight, local time, to post and share matter about veterans topics that might be too harmful and disturbing the most sensitive.

Want to laugh? My next project is a calendar for 2022, when I double check 2022 I was like “GO AWAY”. 22 veterans a day is not only a sad slogan, but also a no-profit.

So, yes, I will go on with my creative ideas (that may sound or look silly for what they are!!!!!) in order to raise awareness on this topic. Today I have a story from Nebraska. I just subscribed a Facebook group (open to public) and I am glad to introduce….


A little about me for those that don’t know me. I enlisted back in 2007 and was medically discharged at 100% from the army in 2013 I was a 12b combat engineer. I was attached to a dapper unit. In 2011 is when I got hurt and also lost my best friend I served with to suicide not even 10 minutes after leaving his house. I myself fight with demons on a daily bases and have survived 3 attempts myself the most recent was February first this year. I have severe PTSD, anxiety,depression, mood disorder and TBI. I started this all as a simple buy in of a jersey February of last year to pay tribute to my best friend. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought iowould have taken off luke it has. Since I started it I have been on to radio interviews, raised 10k in Hawaii for homeless veterans, donated 2k in Maine for homeless vets, we have helped a family in Florida who’s female veteran was living I. Condition unimaginable get their house completely remolded by a local company free and her husband a job and saved over 100 vets from suicide so far. This is just the beginning. 60000 active duty and veterans have committed suicide in the last decade that’s more then all deaths in the Vietnam conflict.22 veterans commit suicide on average a day19 veterans committed suicide on va grounds last yearOn average 200000 veterans sleep on the streets every night.With y’all help we can help lower and bring a huge awareness to all this.Thank you all for your help and support.Love you all

Chris larsen founder of 22 a day veteran lives matter

If you are going to watch this video, I wish I could share the comments from a cop, he was detective working in special criminal pool, who went through a crisis, too, and what he says about this video is that the officer who saves the life of the vets that is crying for help, took too much risk in this operation.

And also that there are too many guns out from other officers. My opinion is that the cop got so involved that was ready to take any risks to HELP that man. As eventually DID. No judgement. Just respect. I hope that guy could get his chance for a new start in his life. And more hugs.

Blessings x

You can watch this video only on You Tube. Be aware that contents can be harmful.

afghanistan anger anxiety awareness belonging break down burn out combat stress coping with ptsd dark night of the soul depression emotional empath empathy fear highly sensitive person homecoming hsp meditation mental health mental illness mindfulness paris attacks post traumatic stress disorders psychological ptsd PTSD AWARENESS ptsd recovery PTSD STORYTELLING resilience sebastian junger self care self discovery self love self worth shell shock social anxiety spiritual awakening stress disorders trauma tribe veterans vets war vets yoga

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