“Is Afghanistan the only way to deal with general topic of war as unique apocalyctic disaster in the US today?” asks a french man in a comment on You Tube.
“Sure, the US count 22 suicides in the army, airforce and navy each day among Iraq and Afghanistan vets. This is no fake. I myself support a retreat in Florida. The wound is open wide and bleeding. The answer is YES, Sir”
The movie (2018) :
Paul Asher, an up-and-coming journalist, returns home from covering the war in Afghanistan to find his life falling apart. His marriage is near collapse, and he’s in the grips of a personal crisis he struggles to understand. And, more pressing, a soldier he befriended on the front lines is waging his own battle after discharge, and Paul is desperately trying to rescue him. But the young reporter’s life takes a strange turn when he is offered an opportunity too intriguing to resist – an interview with someone claiming to be God.
#interviewwithgod#afghanistan#afghanistanwar #
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