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My Book AVAILABLE WITHIN 24h on Amazon!! PTSD Awareness Day: CHECK!!

It is not OVER until it is OVER !!! LM ANNOUNCEMENT !!!!

**My book is AVAILABLE in 24 hours in paperback on Amazon**
Hard work is hard work… Amazon delivered today Beta test of my book. Despite mefiance, it looks AWESOME 🙂 Except I still needed several tweaking just because I can’t rest until it’s GOOD ENOUGH !!! (see how to deal with perfectionism chapter X lol)
YOU are all kindly invited to JUDGE by yourself.
Please, note that this is a collaborative project and your REVIEW will be without any doubt my BEST VISIT CARD !!!!!
You can DM in case:
1. book does not show up in Amazon search on June 28 (usually 24h are good for validating last upload)2. you want to send me a review in private mode (please, please)
I really hope June 27 it is a GOOD DAY for finally launching this long-term project that starts a new chapter in my/our life.
This creative project supports all people struggling with PTSD recovery and @warriorquestusa.
@parisiansparkle_by_dianawhite @karltearney @gilending @mentalhealingadventures @nazim.artist @seb.raes @steverandall92 @mel_melly_mel @jeffshankley @justinsmith.wq @usafms @first_responders_first @fireman_matty @remasteryourmind @tacmobility @behindthebadge002 @behindtheservicepodcast @leongoodstriiker @my_ptsd_story (I think you choose not to be tagged!!)@jesseanzofficial (pdf on the way)@redonfitness @coachmikechadwick @flpjmy29 @dannevins @sabrinaciaciura
In case you prefer to read on a pdf file, just DM, and I will be more than happy to SHARE for FREE;)
Please, note also that I am NOT sponsored and indipendently publishing on different platforms (ebook and hardback cover are NEXT). Word to mouth will be and ALREADY is an everyday commitment !!
** Thank you for your UNCONDITIONAL support **
Book in 24 hours in paperback on
19,99$ 14,40£ 16,75€ 409 pages

#strongertogether #neverwalkalone👣 #ptsdawarenessday #mentalhealthawareness #recoveryjourney❤️💪🏼💯 #burnoutprevention #veteransupport #personalgrowth #allinheretogether #wearefamily❤️ #ohana🌺 #wonderwarriorproject #frompariswithlove💋 #ptsdstoriesmatter

afghanistan anger anxiety awareness belonging break down burn out combat stress coping with ptsd dark night of the soul depression emotional empath empathy fear highly sensitive person homecoming hsp meditation mental health mental illness mindfulness paris attacks post traumatic stress disorders psychological ptsd PTSD AWARENESS ptsd recovery PTSD STORYTELLING resilience sebastian junger self care self discovery self love self worth shell shock social anxiety spiritual awakening stress disorders trauma tribe veterans vets war vets yoga

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