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Home » Michael Sugrue #323 Post Traumatic Stress Injury.

Michael Sugrue #323 Post Traumatic Stress Injury.

Michael Sugrue began his law enforcement career in the U.S. Air Force as a Security Forces Officer in 1998. He specialised in Law Enforcement, Global Force Protection, Anti-Terrorism, Nuclear Security, Foreign Air Field Assessments and Air Base Ground Defense. Michael served in a variety of assignments including: Flight Leader, Flight Commander, Senior Watch Officer, Chief of Command Post and Chief of Security Forces. Michael served all over the United States, Europe, the Middle East and South America.


After the Air Force, Michael became a Police Officer, serving as a Patrol Officer, Driver Training Instructor, Field Training Officer, SIU Detective, Undercover CA DOJ Narcotic Task Force Agent, Public Information Officer and Patrol Sergeant. Michael was awarded a Distinguished Service Medal in 2014 for his heroic and life-saving actions during a Fatal Officer Involved Shooting in 2012. Michael ultimately medically retired in 2018.


He is now a Peer Volunteer at the West Coast Post Trauma Retreat and an Ambassador for Save A Warrior. Michael is a dedicated advocate for awareness, prevention, education, training on Post Traumatic Stress Injury (PTSI) and First Responder Suicide Prevention. He speaks at law enforcement agencies all over the U.S. This is a fascinating chat. Enjoy.

Check out the podcast here.

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