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Corona Virus: My feedback from France and Italy. Get ready, California.


Chers Amis,

I obviously decided to ignore the panic of these days and I have been focusing on my writing which is progressing, and turned off all medias. Peace at last!

My family in Italy and my Italian friends told me what’s happening there: cinémas and thaters, as well as schools are closed for one Week. People are isolating. Buying all the Amuchina they can and masks are out of stock. People who can work from home on their pc.

Borders from China are not accepting Italians? Are you serious?

So do other Countries?

Italy pays its bills with Tourism. What will happen now? In a sense, knowing my Country, I bet that they will take the very best of it.

People are waking up. They are starting to ask them selves: why shall I put on a mask? If this virus was really viral we would be fucked up.

Now, French side:

The Louvre employees strike !!!!!!!

Bienvenue à Paris, ladies …..

They claim their right to stay home in case of real life danger.

Well, I love to be Parisians !!!!! (which actually I am not except for my art name and passamanerie for my artwork)

Instead, I work for one first Tourist Destinations in Europe. And we are okay.

Disneyland Park is actually open in here. I just got the info that in Japan an Shangai are closed.

Now, I won’t tell you not to take meds or vaccines ….I am not a doctor.

I can tell you what I am doing: cooking !!!

Onions, ginger, leeks, veggies …

What will you do from now on? I will get SOON my book done, and pass it to my friend for translation so that we can join our forces against this Crazy World all together.

Good Luck xx

Parisian Sparkle

ps. you can write me here if you like a recipe of Moussaka the way my Brit friend taught me.

Italians ….
Image result for italia corona virus
Image result for france  corona virus
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