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Facing my fears

Bonjour, I was connecting to post and share my today’s art and I found you. I first got your comment, which thrilled me, thank you. Second, was eager to discover your art blog, I am not much into instagram thou I could appreciate your sea memories which I abs love and remind me of northern french coast and cliffs. Where do you live? Third, your posts and writing left me speechless. Not only I like your naiveté to tell about your Self ( I prefer this way to write Yourself cos it spotlights The Self!) … but I can recognize same Self doubt and conversation that I share with my 40 yo Italian friend, Marzia. We are dealing with same age effects, except we are becoming aware that we are so called “late bloomers” …… oh, what’s this? I am happy to read that you are struggling with giving art a second go. You know what? your art has always been there, … welcome to my world, as “grown up 17 yo girl” ( I feel 15 btw ) can I only suggest you something related to red hair topic? did you ever considered henna? I am turned from brown to blond to silver to brown again, and since I have stressed out my hair they refuse chemicals…. so I gave a try to henna and miracolous katam which is henna for brown / covering white hair. YES! henna do dye grey hair. and it’s warm color. also your hair will become stronger and healthy. ps. I find you had courage to start from apples. Stinky is a masterpiece !!!!! well done. Take care xx Antonella

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