Today, on my Facebook, a quote comes out from past year. It is a poem on “rising phoenix”, as following:
The phoenix from the flame
You will learn
You will rise
You’ll return
Being what you are…
There is no other Troy
For you to burn
My cousin was working on a poems book which actually manifested a few months later. On 13th december 2017 I went to visit him. He was promoting his first poems book on an evening in a Church. This is his kind of thing. He was speaking out his love for this girl (his bright star) who never returned, except as a good friend.
The book was standing on a table, since years, and it took 7 years of psychoterapy to understand from where his panic attacks come from. Yes, of course, I have encouraged him to write more and finish a project, like a way to move forward ( no matter poems quality or gender ). And he actually did.
Now it’s my turn, cousin. And I just did.
So, when’s yours?